Some things create themselves and cannot be designed
“Either fraternity is spontaneous, or it does not exist. To decree it is to annihilate it. The law can indeed force men to remain just; in vain would it would try to force them to be self-sacrificing.”...
View ArticleWhole Foods John Mackey on Capitalism
… Continue reading → The post Whole Foods John Mackey on Capitalism appeared first on TeeJaw Blog.
View ArticleR.I.P. Peter Schramm
Peter Schramm died yesterday of cancer at age 69. I only knew him through listening to his “You Americans” podcasts from the Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. The podcast began...
View ArticleWas slavery the cause of the Civil War?
Or was it about states’ rights? No, it was about slavery, and nothing else. I thought everyone knew this, but I guess it’s an old debate that still has a feeble existence. This video shows you why the...
View ArticleSearch for truth
“Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.” —H.L. Mencken On college campuses in America the truth is considered hate speech and must be suppressed. by the...
View ArticlePropitious Unintended Consequences Happened Here
Most of the time the unintended consequences of liberal polices are terrible, mostly because the people who make the decisions don’t have to live with the consequences and intentionally engineer the...
View ArticleA little knowledge is dangerous
“A little knowledge is dangerous” is a common phrase. It’s meaning is that a small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than they really are. The origin is from Alexander...
View ArticleWhat does Trump Read?
I guess he doesn’t read John Tamny’s Book Popular Economics, or his articles at Real Clear Markets, such as this one: To Redistribute Jordan Spieth’s Wealth, Let Him Keep It Trump wants to hit hedge...
View ArticleWhat is “Carried Interest”
Just another word for evil, I guess, from all the bad press it’s getting. Even Donald Trump says he’ll kill the dragon of “carried interest” if he becomes president. The term used to mean something...
View ArticleOn Wealth, Poverty and Free Markets
Princeton University philosopher Harry Frankfurt says on page 4 of his new book, On Inequality: In extracting from the economic wealth of the nation much more than they require in order to live well,...
View ArticleToday marks the 134th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig von Mises
September 29 marks the 134th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig von Mises, the tallest giant of the “Austrian School” of economics. Although Mises is not a household name, Nobel laureate Friedrich...
View ArticleThe beginning of a new era?
Conservatives can take heart, if former Alaska legislator Fritz Pettyjohn is correct: We have five conviction candidates, Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Cruz, and Rubio. While we can all have our...
View ArticleIt’s easy to like socialism when you don’t know what it is
I was at the University of Colorado from 1970-1974 and thought that I got a pretty good education. It appears today’s students are not going to be able to look back and say the same thing, at least not...
View ArticleWhen worldview confronts conflicting facts
One’s worldview is the overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. Through life experience one develops a collection of beliefs about life and the universe. The German word that...
View ArticleThe Evolution of Everything & Spontaneous Order
Darwinian theory of evolution is one of the longest standing scientific theories to have emerged from the brain of a mere mortal human being. Constantly under attack since it was first announced in...
View ArticleLiberty is so important — Here’s Why
From the Foundation For Economic Education [My added comments in brackets]: Liberty is precious, rare, never guaranteed, and always threatened. It can be lost in a single generation if it’s not...
View ArticleObama’s 3 questions — Answered
At the State of the Union Show Obama ask three domestic policy questions: First, how do we give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in this new economy? Second, how do we make technology...
View ArticleIf you want equality you should want capitalism
I knew this even before I read Barry Brownstein’s essay at The Freeman, Capitalism Promotes Equality. You see, I’ve read enough history to know that modern plumbing is modern, meaning for the great...
View ArticleHere’s why Republicans should block Obama from appointing a new Justice to...
The Republicans are right to block Obama from appointing a new Justice to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the death of Antonin Scalia. Obama and the Democrats have in last 7 years shoved...
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